This weekend throughout the diocese we promoted Called By Name Sunday: an initiative of the Diocese of Austin Vocations Office that celebrates God’s call to each of us to follow Him in a particular way. As part of this special weekend, we are asking you to participate in two ways:
- Pray for vocations. Last Friday our parish had a special Holy Hour for Vocations. Please join us as we continue to ask the Master of the Harvest to send out more laborers into his harvest. You can pledge to pray HERE.
- Spend time this week thinking about someone in our parish who God may be calling to the priesthood or religious life - someone with the qualities that you would want in your priest or religious sister. You can send in names to the diocesan vocation team HERE. Bishop Vásquez and our Vocation Director, Fr. Greg Gerhart, will then send them a letter of encouragement along with Fr. Greg’s contact information should they wish to follow up.
God is the one who calls, but He often uses our voice of encouragement and invitation to do so. With your help, we can make this Called By Name Sunday a great success that will bear fruit in our diocese for generations to come. Thank you for your openness and generous participation.
The first thing that the Lord tells us to do when seeking more shepherds is to ask the master of the harvest (Mt. 9:38). Only God can move the hearts of men and women to consider the priesthood and religious life – no homily, invitation, or other initiatives will bear fruit without His grace. Join hundreds of others in praying that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood and religious life.
“Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18: 19-20